Another Miracle on 34th?

Far be it from Servants for Haiti to promote a commercial venture. When it benefits our friends in Haiti, however, we feel that it is at least worth mentioning.

Recently, Macy’s stores have partnered with a group of Haitian crafts people to sell their wares through Macy’s web site and 25 stores. You can read about their new product line on a number of web sites, including this one.

We applaud American businesses using their marketing power this way to benefit Haiti.  We have also been investigating ways of doing the same.  (See a previous post on this topic.)

Maybe you will find yourself feeling like the woman from “Miracle on 34th Street” who says:

“Imagine a big outfit like Macy’s putting the spirit of Christmas needs of Haiti ahead of the commercial.  It’s wonderful.  I never done much shopping here before but from now on, I’m going to be a regular Macy customer. ”

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