2013 Trivia Recap

SFH Trivia night was once more a smashing success, an annual tradition that has become a peak moment of the Merrimack Valley social calendar.  About 150 people came out to support the great work happening in Haiti with the assistance and support of Servants for Haiti.

Biznis Pam was featured as the recipient of the event’s income.  Two videos of Monite Métélus-Louis (viewable here and here), founder and director of the business training and micro-loan program, were shown to let people know where their giving would be working.  That set the tone for some frenzied bidding and trivia excitement.

The top team walked off with ice cream cone coupons, refrigerator magnets declaring their feat, and (most importantly) twelve months  of bragging rights as SFH Trivia Champs.

2013 Award

The winners, a team called Chip and Dips, got an impressive 94% of the possible total point value in categories ranging from Movies to Sports to Science (SCIENCE!) and the dreaded Haiti category.

Some fun distractions on the night included a raffle to win an iPad Mini and impromptu giveaways of DVDs.

One of a kind sports memorabilia – a signed Will Middlebrooks bat, signed photos of Dustin Pedrioa, Rob Gronkowski and more – drew plenty of bidding as did the weekend on Martha’s Vineyard, an annual auction highlight.

Next year is bound to be at least as much fun as this year.  Make plans to be there.  Save the date, April 4, 2014.  Don’t miss it!

Trivia command central

Trivia command central

Unique gift baskets

Unique gift baskets








The reviews are in:

“That was a great Trivia Event”

“Everyone at our table had a great time.”

“Everyone I talked to agreed that your questions were excellent.”


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