New logo

When Servants for Haiti began in 2005, we served children in an orphanage and school.  To graphically represent our mission, we created the following logo:

The picture of Haitian children coupled with that slogan effectively got our message across.   We helped individual children get a good start in life through care and education.

About a year ago, that task was transferred to a new organization, HIA, and SFH moved on with our new calling.  Today we are helping young adults and whole families get back on their feet through new homes, businesses, and continuing education.  As such, the old logo was obsolete.

The new logo is shown here:

This logo will often be accompanied by a new slogan: “Building a brighter tomorrow.”  That’s what we’re doing, still one family at a time.

A few different ideas are represented by the new look.

First, the hands represent the partnership between SFH, our friends in Haiti, partner organizations, and you, our supporters.  This task is far greater than any of us could possibly undertake on our own.

The sun in the center reminds us that we can brighten Haiti’s future.

Finally, it’s inspired by the Haitian proverb, “You must have patience to raise the sun.”  This means that any great task will require patience before results are seen.  The final product, however, is worth the time and effort.

All that captures our mission perfectly.  There will be no sudden, dramatic change in Haiti next month, next year – maybe not in our lifetimes.  With patience, perseverance, and faith, along with the helping hands of many, we will see a new dawn breaking over the entire nation.

Your support is crucial to building a brighter tomorrow – long term and sustainable – in Haiti.  Join us as we raise the sun.

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