March 2012 trip report

Stephanie, our nursing student

On Thursday, March 15, a small cadre of SFH representatives traveled to Haiti to survey conditions in general and our work in particular.  We are pleased to tell you that there are many good signs to report.

We met with some of our post-high school students who are thriving and excited about their prospects.  Watch this site for more reports and profiles of these young people.

The initial batch of SFH-backed businesses has begun their efforts to support themselves.  We were delighted to find, in a local grocery store, candies distributed by one of our budding entrepreneurs.  We brought back a few morsels, some of which will be available for sampling at Trivia Night.

Our “man-on-the-ground”, Monite, is already gearing up for her next class, just awaiting funding.  Proceeds from Trivia Night will go toward that need, but extra donations are needed and appreciated.

Monite (far left) and her Biznis Pam students (l to r): Odulka, Shedlyne, Wilda, and Johnny

While in Haiti, we met several other groups doing their part to help our friends move forward.  Many of the projects are long range ones aimed at helping the Haitian people help themselves.  Initiatives to revive the dormant rice industry and other agricultural enterprises show tremendous promise.  We ate some of the local produce and couldn’t get enough of it.

Other works we heard about involved reforestation and creating an export market for Haitian coffee.

Efforts like these will some day make Haiti self-sufficient.  The Haitian people want to work.  They are tired of handouts and are willing to do whatever it takes to turn their homeland around.  With your help, we can create a new sunrise in Haiti.

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