June 2010 trip reports…

Reports are coming in from the latest team to return from Haiti. We will add some short comments over time as we receive them from the folks who traveled there from June 24 to July 2, 2010.

Here’s an observation from Rebecca, who joined one of our teams for the first time:

It was my first trip, but it won’t be my last. The despair of the country is overshadowed by the Haitian peoples’ joy and thankfulness for life. There is so much we can learn from them.

This insight is from Carolyn, a veteran team member, after her first post-earthquake trip:

Even though I knew most people were living in tents, I was still taken aback to see the massive tent camps in place of the poorly constructed houses that stood before. One thing most people don’t think about is how permanent this situation is going to be for the Haitian people; tents are now being numbered and turned into permanent addresses. Haiti has always been in great need, but now the need is greater than ever.

This is a very important point to remember, motivating Servants for Haiti to work that much harder for the long term recovery of Haiti.  Your help, either through donations, fund-raising efforts, or participation on a work team, will be a key part of that work.

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