First Annual Trivia Night a Resounding Success!

On Saturday night, April 17, Servants for Haiti held its first annual Trivia Night fund raiser.  The event was a major success!  About 70 people participated and $2000 was raised, partially through the $10 admission, the rest through a concurrent silent auction.

Everyone who attended expressed their enjoyment of the evening’s activities.  There appears to be plenty of demand for a 2nd Annual Trivia Night.  Watch out for details next year at this time.

Servants for Haiti would like to thank the following for their donations of auction items:

For their generous donations of items for our auction:

Bertucci’s, Chelmsford, MA
Edgartown Residence Club, Edgartown, MA
Egg Roll Cafe, Lowell, MA
The Hingston Family, Chelmsford, MA
The Java Room, Chelmsford, MA
Laurae Richards Art, Westford, MA
Lowell Showcase Cinemas, Lowell, MA
The Lowell Spinners, Lowell, MA
Meadow Breeze Day Camp, Lexington Christian Academy and Coach Tim Slighter, Lexington, MA
Pampered Chef/Sharon Leigh, Chelmsford, MA
Walden Media, Burlington, MA

Also the following for their support as noted:

Grace Community Church for the use of their facility.
Jeff Lomicka for his technical assistance.
Sully’s Ice Cream, Chelmsford, MA for the trivia prizes.  Yummm!

Please support our supporters and tell them you saw them at the SFH trivia event!

auction table

The goods up for bid in the silent auction

trivia teams at work 2

Pondering a particularly tough question.

trivia teams at work

Everyone scratches their heads over another tough one.

Winning team exults

The winning team (cleverly named "Team Name") celebrates their triumph! This could be you next year.

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